Do We Really Create Our Own Reality?
It is Monday morning and I had a great weekend. I went to see It’s Complicated, twice! Once with my husband and once by myself. SOOOO funny! I keep hearing people say that we create our own reality. If that is true, there are some things I would like to un-create and some other things I would like to create that I have not managed to do yet. I am hoping my spirit guides will shine some light on this.
Spirit Guides: You do create your own reality. HOWEVER, you don’t create quite as much in the physical moment as you might think. Before you take a human body, you decide with the help of your spiritual council, (your spiritual group that helps you choose your life plan) what you want to learn once your spirit joins a human body. Orchestrating these lessons is no easy task. You and your council decide who the “players” will be in your life plan. The players, or people you will work with have to choose to be on board, and your lessons have to fit their lessons. The plans you make with other souls we call agreements. Just because you have an agreement with someone before you get to earth, does not mean you will follow through with all of them. In most cases you have the freedom to choose not to spend time with a particular person who was signed up to help you with your lessons. You always have the right to look at your agreements with others and let them go or change them. (Lexa you teach a class on this and read these agreements for others, you may want to re-examine this for yourself.) You can meditate to get your own answers or get a reading with a spiritual intuitive that connects with your spiritual agreements.
So yes, you do create your own reality, and if you want to change it, you might look at what agreements you made before you got to earth that are keeping you where you feel stuck, or keeping you from creating what you think you want now. After looking at these agreements you may decide that you are on the right track and choose not to change anything.