Stepping Fully Into Your Power
Stepping Fully Into Your Power
I have had quite a few readings lately where different questions were asked, yet the same answer was given. Questions like, Should I quite my job?, Should I divorce my spouse (there is always a good reason behind this question), Should I tell my family I don’t want to spend as much time with them as I have in the past?, Should I spend the money to take the trip I have been wanting to take?, The answer has been, “Doing this will help you step more fully into your own power.” I would like my guides to explain what that means a little more.
Spirit Guides: When you stay in a situation that does not serve you like a bad marriage or being in fear that if you spend money to take a trip you won’t have enough for the things you need, you are giving away your power to that situation. You are letting the situation keep you down, instead of stepping up and allowing yourself to do the things in life that feel right to you, that help you take your steps to learn your lessons, or be in your power. This does not mean being controlling and trying to change things just because you can. It means choosing to do the things that honor your body, mind and spirit. If you are in a bad marriage how can you honor yourself when you have someone around you not honoring you and possibly putting you down. If you don’t allow yourself to take the trip and have fun, how can you honor yourself? How can you see that spirit supports you and will continue to help you create the money you need? When you reach a point that you know something has to change, you are right, it does have to change. And in stepping into your power, you are making the change yourself, not waiting for someone else to do it for you. If you have something that you know must change in your life, take some time to meditate on it and ask spirit the best steps for you to take to make that change, to fully step into your power.