How to prepare for 2012

Posted February 10th, 2015 by lexa and filed in Guided Writings
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It is Wednesday morning and I slept in a little since I teach class on Tuesday nights. For my students who read this, thanks for the great classes. You guys are awesome, you make my life so much better!

Spirit Guides: We want to talk today about what you are doing to prepare for 2012 and the years that follow.  People will experience the more open spiritual energy of 2012 on different levels, depending on their own level of spiritual connectedness.  A large amount of the veil between earth and spirit will be removed, since humanity on the whole is ready for a deeper connection and is at a point they can handle it. The more you are connected before the shift, the more you will connect with the shift to move to your next level of connection with spirit. Here are some things you can do to deepen your connection:

  • Read or listen to books on spirituality
  • Sit quietly to connect with your spiritual support group and talk to them about your future
  • Spend time with your favorite spiritual people, by surrounding yourself with high vibration people you automatically match their vibration to move yours up
  • Do some philanthropy work, as you do this you bring spirit closer to you, you become more of what spirit is
  • Do something fun with your human body, it helps you be more connected with the earth to be able to feel the shift
  • Try something new, stepping out of your comfort zone helps you own more of who you are

Bottom line, the deeper your spiritual connection now, the way deeper your connection will be in 2012.

Note from Lexa: My favorite spiritual book is You Are The Answer, by Michael Tamura.  Everyone I know who has read it, loves it. You can purchase You Are The Answer at

You can be guided through working with your Spirit Guides and Angels in my Guided Meditation CD or MP3 Communicating With Your Spirit Guides & Angels that you can find at , if you check it out, I would love your feedback!!!