What if Today is Your Last Day?

Posted May 14th, 2015 by lexa and filed in Guided Writings

Spirit Guides: If you knew today was your last day on Earth, what would do? Would you go to work? Would you call a long lost friend to catch up? Would you allow yourself to go sit on the beach and watch the wonders of the world one more time? What would you do if you knew today was your last day?

The point here is to encourage you to live your life like every day is your last day. What are the things you want to do, but are not doing—the things you are putting off until they fit into your schedule?  Here is what we have to say, fit them into your schedule now! Why bother with the grind, the things you have to do, if you are not also doing the things you enjoy doing? Live your life like today is your last day. Tell people how much you love them, take a nap, have dessert instead of dinner. Throw caution to the wind and live it up!

2 Responses to “What if Today is Your Last Day?”

  1. Diana Valenzuela says:

    This messege is so true, we get so caught up in our daily routine. Every day is a gift, may you find the balance of life, time for work but also time for play. Too much of one thing ends up creating stress that no one needs in their life. “Live a balanced life learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some, and may you use this gift by living life to the fullest. You will never have this day again. What will you do with it? “yesterday is history tomarrow is a mystery and today? Today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present. Have a wonderful Day oxoxoxox.

  2. Shelby says:

    Diana, I am glad you mention balance, because this writing encourages us to live EVERY day like its our last. But, how do I buy food for my kids if I spend all my days on the beach contemplating nature? I think sometimes spirit guides forget the practical nature of day to day responsibilities. And I appreciate the sentiment – I recently lost someone very close to my heart quite unexpectedly – but encouraging us to live today as if there may be no tomorrow is frustrating because it promotes a way of being I’ll never attain with the obligations I have as a mature adult. Balance, yes. Throw caution to the wind, just not do-able.