Releasing Religious Programming

Posted April 5th, 2015 by lexa and filed in Guided Writings

It is the Monday morning after Easter and I hope you all had a great holiday.  We sure did, we went to my favorite BBQ place (Red’s BBQ in Simi Valley) for the classic Easter BBQ rib dinner and ate way too much! I don’t have an agenda and am curious to see what my guides have to say.

Spirit Guides: We love what religious holidays like Easter bring up in people in the way of religious programming whether this past lives.  Whether you start processing the programming on a conscious or semi-conscious level, it does come up around these kinds of celebrations. Bringing the old beliefs that are not yours to the surface and releasing them is a wonderful way to get down to more of who you are and to more of your truth of what Spirit or God is. Now that this programming has been stirred up, we suggest you take a few minutes to sit down and allow the old programming to release. Create an energetic grounding cord that connects to the base of your spin and the center of the earth and is hollow, kind of like a pipe. Allow the old programming to release anywhere you are holding onto it and flow down your grounding cord into the center of the earth. (You can learn more about a grounding cord and how to use it on Lexa’s CD, Finding Peace & Harmony). Once you have started the release of the old programming, you will find that your spiritual connection or relationship takes a huge leap into being more solid. You will find that it is easier to trust your intuition and easier to take the steps you want to take to make your life even more fulfilling.

2 Responses to “Releasing Religious Programming”

  1. Marilyn Miller says:

    I believe we are all born into certain families with the religious beliefs that will benefit our soul’s progress as children. For me there is usually great value in that early training whether one was comfortable with it or not. I loved my parents Christian faith when I was young; I’ve changed my religion twice since then. Fortunately, as Americans, our birthright allows us to change our faith whenever we choose. However, I’m happier with my religious upbringing when I don’t make it wrong but look for the value I received from it.
    Rev. Marilyn Miller

  2. Erik says:

    I noticed a lot more psychic chatter this Easter weekend, many wondering spirits coming right into my home as well. Yes, big time processing weekend for families. I noticed that Friday was restless, while Sunday night and Monday were the burnout days. I noticed family members cording me as if they needed guidance and someone to plug into. The people who don’t have a base spiritual group to plug into felt lonely to me. Like the masses are doing their spiritual practices and so maybe I should too, was the vibe I was feeling.