Change Worry to Gratitude
8:56 p.m
I had the opportunity to do 3 readings today and the same message came through for all the three, STOP WORRYING, MOVE TO GRATITUDE. Here is what my Spirit Guides have to say…
Spirit Guides: Worry is very negative, the more you worry, the more you worry. Worry brings you and everyone around you down! Lower and lower. When you start to worry, say THANK YOU instead. If you worry about money, say or think, thank you that I have plenty of money. If you worry about your health, say or think, thank you that I am healthy. If you worry about your children or family, say or think, thank you that my family is supported, thank you that my family is healthy and safe. Worry can actually help create the bad things you worry about to happen. The more gratitude you live in,(being thankful) helps create good things to happen. The minute worry creeps in change it to gratitude!
I just read your fantastic post here. It seems like we share the attitude that “Gratitude is good for you.” Grateful Nation is an online community that gives grateful people the opportunity and resources to connect, give back, and be thankful. Jump into the unending cycle of gratitude ~
Thank you, Vanessa